- 京都着物・浴衣レンタル「京越」トップ
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- Route, access to “Kyoetsu Kimono Rental Gionshinbashi shop”
Route, access to “Kyoetsu Kimono Rental Gionshinbashi shop” - 京都着物レンタルの京越(きょうえつ)
Route, access to “Kyoetsu Kimono Rental Gionshinbashi shop”
Acess to “Gionshinbashi shop” from the nearest station
Route from Keihan “Gion Shijo station” number 9 exit to “Gionshinbashi shop”
It is around a 5 min walk.
Exit the ticket gate and continue straight towards the number 9 exit at the back.
Walk down the aisle and climb up the stairs
Climb up the stairs and turn right at the crossing
Walk pass the angel wings wall art of Cacao market by MariBelle
Turn left at the corner
After aroung one minute, a Seven Eleven will appear on the right hand side. Turn right at the next corner.
Continue on Shibashi street stone paving
As you walk for around 40 seconds, the building you see on the left hand side will be “Kyoetsu Kimono Rental Gionshinbashi shop”.
Go through the shop curtain which has the small “Kyoetsu” sign at the bottom left hand side and please make your way up to the second floor.
Route to the “Kyoetsu Kimono Rental Gionshinbashi shop” from Kyoto subway Tozai line “Sanjo Keihan station” number 2 exit.
It is around a 7 min walk.
Exit the gate at the Kyoto subway Tozai line “Sanjo Keihan station” and turn right and walk towards the number 2 exit.
Please climb up the stairs at the number 2 exit on the left hand side
After climbing up the stairs, turn left
Go pass the bus stop and walk towards the Kamo river
Turn left at the crossing
Continue straight with the Keihan Sanjo stations entrance on the right hand side
Cross the crossing of the bus stop at the left hand corner
Cross the next crossing and continue going straight
Walk for around 3 minuites and turn left at the corner right in front of Seven Eleven
Continue on Shibashi street stone paving
As you walk for around 40 seconds, the building you see on the left hand side will be “Kyoetsu Kimono Rental Gionshinbashi shop”.
Go through the shop curtain which has the small “Kyoetsu” sign at the bottom left hand side and please make your way up to the second floor.
清水店 〒605-0862 京都市東山区清水4丁目190-3
清水寺エリア最大級の着物を取り揃えています。清水寺などの京都のメイン観光エリアへのアクセス抜群な分、どのお店よりも「かわいい」「おしゃれ」を感じてもらえるような着物レンタルでのコーディネートを提供いたします♪かわいくておしゃれな着物が映える観光スポットもご紹介させていただきます◎ [営業時間]9:00〜18:00(※着物レンタルの最終返却時間は18:00まで)
河原町店 〒600-8024 京都市下京区天満町456-25
駅近でアクセス抜群!京都随一の繁華街・河原町エリアに位置し、ショッピングやグルメも一緒に楽しめる好立地♪トレンド感のある「かわいい」「おしゃれ」な着物を多数ご用意しております。レンタルした着物で鴨川沿いや先斗町を散策すれば、京都らしい風情を存分に楽しめます◎着物が映えるおすすめスポットもご案内いたします! [営業時間]9:00〜18:00(※着物レンタルの最終返却時間は18:00まで)
高瀬川のほとり、鴨川へもすぐ -
嵐山店 〒616-8384 京都市右京区嵯峨天龍寺造路町6-1
京都を代表する観光地・嵐山で、四季折々の美しい景色とともに着物姿を楽しみませんか?竹林の小径や渡月橋など、映えるスポットがたくさん♪上品で華やかな「かわいい」「おしゃれ」な着物を取り揃え、特別な京都体験をお届けします。嵐山観光をより思い出深いものにするお手伝いをいたします◎ [営業時間]9:00〜18:00(※着物レンタルの最終返却時間は18:00まで)